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Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 18:54
by lippo
So i was Playing on Silence server and i got banned cause admin called Queenmarys bad knowing of rules that teamstacking is when he says that i have to come to axis when im allready on allies. i was muted so i spoke over changing nickname and said that he was bad knowing of ruls (others players on server agreed that thing). and he said that forums are for the complains so here we are;)

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:09
by *QueenMary*
dear lippo

first you were muted because you constantly break the servers only english rule. you are aware of that rule ;)

second you were asked to switch to axis as you were one of the last ones who had recently joined team and it would have made most sense if you had joined axis to help but you didnt care so i put you on spec. at this point you still ignored me and decided to switch back to allies to play with 4pz. again i put you spec but you still didnt care. that was the point when you got kicked by me.
then you came back and stacked the teams AGAIN!!! at this point you were kicked again by me.

then you came back changing your names with messages which i didnt read all.... in the end you called me an idiot through your namechange and that was the point where you got banned as there was enough trouble caused by you.

this was not the first time you showed you had no behaviour and you do know that you provocated yourself.

there is not more to say!!!


Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:22
by lippo
Why are u putting 4pz into this i have nothing with him and u should do shuffle over changing players team whitout their own permission thats called respecting other players. that what u were doing is suitable for more likely adminabuse

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:32
by gaoesa
I have reviewed the logs.

1. You were muted for 30 minutes because of disrespecting the English rule. After you had been warned and also you are familiarto the rule from before.
2. You were allegedly stacking on Allies. It is not possible to see the teams from logs. For that reason you were put to spec, warned and later kicked out from the server multiple times.
3. You spoke to admins using names as "SoUrBadAdmin" and your ban is for the name "TotalIdiot". That is not the way to talk to anyone. Unless you want us to talk to you that same way, which would be well founded.

The ban itself came after a long sequence of violations, disrespecting admins and getting warns of multiple kind. Waring signs included getting mute, !warn, !putteam was used, you were kicked from the server 3 times. Before each action verbal instructions were given. This was self inflicted and valid ban based on log information. The complaint is not valid as for giving ban for bad reasons. The only thing you can do is to appeal the lift or the shortening of the ban.

Our rules state that none of our admins are required to start parenting players. Please remember that if you get your ban lifted.


1. Sinut mutetettiin 30:ksi minuutiksi koska rikoit päächätin kielisääntöä. Sinua oli varoitettu etukäteen ja tunnet säännön entuudestaan.
2. Sinua syytettiin tiimien epätasaamisesta liittymällä alliesille. Siitä syystä sinut on siirretty spekkiin, varoitettu ja myöhemmin poistettu serveriltä useita kertoja.
3. Sinä "puhuit" admineille käyttäen nimiä "SoUrBadAdmin" ja sinut on bannittu nimellä "TotalIdiot". Tuolla tavalla ei puhuta kenellekään. Paitsi jos haluat meidän puhuvan sinulle siten, mikä olisi myös hyvin perusteltua.

Banni itsessään tuli useiden sääntörikkeiden, varoitusten ja epäkunnioituksen osoitusten jälkeen. Varoitukset sisälsivät muten, warnin, spekkiin siirtämisen ja 3 serveriltä poistamista. Ennen jokaista toimintoa on sinulle annettu kielellisesti ohjeita miten sinun tulisi toimia. Lokitietojen perusteella banni oli itseaiheutettu ja pätevä syiltään. Valitus ei ole pätevä perusteella bannin antaminen huonoihin syihin perustuen. Ainoa asia jonka voit vielä tehdä on hakemus bannin poistamiseksi tai lyhentämiseksi.

Säännöissä on erikseen maininta siitä että kenenkään adminin ei tarvitse ruveta holhoamann pelaajia. Jos saat bannin nostetuksi, yritä muistaa tämä sääntöosa.

Response translated to Finnish because the English rule was part of the event sequence. No replys are allowed using Finnish!

This response was written before any other replys were written.

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:36
by *QueenMary*
the only thing i said at this point was that you switched to allies to play with 4pz and thats a fact describing the situation ;)

you joining the OBVIOUS stronger team as one of the last ones who joined forces me to take action especially as it wasnt the first time i saw you stacking teams. and it wasnt the first time you caused troubles either.
shuffling teams is the last thing to do. why should i shuffle because ONE player decides to join the stronger team and doesnt care to have fair teams??? something to think about dear lippo ;)

you dont care about the server rules at all and show nothing but bad behaviour and that is not acceptable you will therefore not get unabanned for now ;)

troublemakers are not welcome on himalia


Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:37
by gaoesa
u should do shuffle over changing players team whitout their own permission thats called respecting other players
Doing shuffles in mid map is not a good thing. It is preferable to force the latest arrival to join the team that needs the help. That is respecting other players when you join the team that needs the help and therefore make the game better for all. Admins can only enforce this behaviour but eventually, it is your own decision if you like fair games or not.

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:40
by lippo
at the first time when he putted me to speck was in WARMUP something to think?

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:47
by *QueenMary*
lippo i dont think it was warm up and even if it was warm up i can only repeat myself "why should i shuffle because ONE player decides to join the stronger team and doesnt care to have fair teams???"


Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:55
by lippo
how the hell i can know if the teams are fair when i connect on server and just start playing i dont look the teams by that who are playing in witch teams i just check how many players is playing the game by pressing L i really dont look teams when i join the server

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 19:56
by lippo
it was in warmup btw

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 20:00
by gaoesa
Doing shuffle because of one player is not any better. That can be handled individually and luckily, most of our regulars have this respect for each others.
how the hell i can know if the teams are fair when i connect on server and just start playing i dont look the teams by that who are playing in witch teams i just check how many players is playing the game by pressing L i really dont look teams when i join the server
That is a problem but QueenMary did give clear enough instruction sand that does not explain why you kept doing it.

I'm locking this thread now because it is seems to be going a little emotional without any new information. And you may want to consider making an appeal to lift the ban after you have calmed a little.

Re: Lippo banned with badreasons

Posted: 21 Oct 2011, 20:03
by *QueenMary*
lippo wrote:how the hell i can know if the teams are fair when i connect on server and just start playing i dont look the teams by that who are playing in witch teams i just check how many players is playing the game by pressing L i really dont look teams when i join the server
i asked you to switch team to help axis, so at this point you knew that you were joining the stronger team but you didnt care and kept stacking ...... even after you got kicked you kept stacking....

at this point i wanna quote gao
The only thing you can do is to appeal the lift or the shortening of the ban.